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Unplugged & Unfiltered




“Ceili is a wonderful human being, talented artist, and exceptional mentor. My 8-year-old daughter, Lily, took piano lessons with Ceili over the course of this past year and the thoughtfulness and energy that Ceili brought to her teaching ignited a passion and drive in my daughter that has been a joy to watch unfold. Lily would regularly leave her lessons brimming with excitement to show me what she'd learned. I am forever grateful for the time my daughter got to spend under Ceili's wing; I honestly could not ask for more in a piano instructor.”



“Ceili made our son (9yo) feel comfortable right away. He was excited but nervous to be learning an instrument and he's always a little shy around new people but Ceili's friendly demeanor allowed him to feel at ease and ready to learn. Ceili involved him a lot in the lesson planning so that he was always engaged in what they were working on while also introducing him to new songs and concepts that were interesting and expanding on what he had already learned. 
Ceili is a natural teacher in that way. Having sat in on many of their lessons together it's obvious that Ceili has a plan and a very intentional method of instruction but to our son, their time together always felt casual and inviting. He never felt any pressure to perform, or judgment when he was struggling, and Ceili has a great sense of when and how to present new challenges to promote his growth as a musician. He has learned a lot from Ceili, in ways that was surprising even to me, and Ceili always made him feel "good" at his instrument, so that he never let occasional frustration keep him down for long.
Beyond musical skills and knowledge, he has grown in his perseverance and confidence, while building a relationship with a wonderful teacher and mentor who cares more about how her students feel about themselves through making music than what her students can do as musicians. What I saw from Ceili's approach is that if they feel good about the process of making music, free from pressure and judgment, they're bound to end up being pretty good at it!”
Man with Guitar



"She's so clever with her writing and how to get into your brain... like... the object writing stuff... I just wrote 4 pages about jellyfish?! The lessons have been incredible! I feel like I can actually write my thoughts for the first time in like... Years!"
Image by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen



“I went into my lessons knowing barely anything about projecting my voice, different singing techniques, and sheet music, but I came out with so much more musical knowledge and a better understanding of my voice and its limits. Ceili is an incredibly knowledgeable teacher who makes her students feel welcome and encourages creativity and individuality. She truly works to understand her students and help them progress in the musical world. Whether songwriting, teaching instruments, or guiding vocal lessons, Ceili was never afraid to coax me to do my best. I absolutely recommend her for anyone wishing to improve their voice, instrumentation, or songwriting.”
Pianoforte lesson


Ryan + Reese

“Both of my kids, ages 5 and 6 have been working with Ms. Ceili for the past year to learn piano. Not only have they learned so much about the instrument but she has instilled a sense of confidence when playing the instrument that was not there before! Ceili tailors each individual lesson to the needs and interests of both my children who have very different personalities. She updates me after every single lesson in a way that is manageable for me to understand (sadly not a musically inclined mom). You could not ask for a better musical instructor for your children!”


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"Ceili is an amazing teacher who can truly work with any skill level. I feel like I'm learning a lot in every lesson and feel super comfortable with any questions I have. She truly takes the time to help you learn the material and makes sure you feel comfortable with what you've learned!"
Image by Austin Neill



“Ceili has been an amazing coach and mentor for Simon. He started lessons with talent but virtually no technical skills at all. Ceili has helped him improve immensely. The lessons, encouragement, and emotional support Ceili has provided throughout this past year have helped Simon become a more proficient and confident vocalist. Her kindness and creative approach also inspired him to try other instruments including keyboard and guitar. I highly recommend Ceili as a music coach.”
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"I went into this as a fun activity to do with my family. We got together each week and learned something new about ourselves and one another! I have never been good with words or expressing myself, but these songwriting classes are thought-provoking, fun, and even therapeutic! Thank you, Ceili for helping me grow outside of the classroom!"
Electric Guitar and Corduroy Pants



“Whatever I wanted to do, Ceili would inform me on it. Whether it was learning a song or complicated music theory, she was always willing to teach me. While working with Ceili it was most likely the most productive I had ever felt with guitar. I was working at my own pace and learning so much of whatever I felt interested in! She’s a wonderful teacher and has a very chill vibe. She was less of a teacher and more like a friend to me, and that’s what was very special.”

Piano Class

New Jersey


"Ceili is exceptional. I wasn’t used to so much attention to detail from an instructor. Each lesson she would write a detailed description outlining what was worked on during the lesson. She also would add specific instructions on how to support my son at home while he practiced. It's really nice to see how passionate she is and how gentle and caring she was with my son. He loved going to practice with her."
Piano Lesson

New Jersey


"Ceili taught beginner piano lessons to my 8-year-old child. Within a year, he was playing with both hands and reading music. It’s easy for young kids to get frustrated and bored, and I credit Ceili’s positivity and encouragement for getting him to stick with it. He enjoyed the time with Ceili and felt rewarded for the progress he made under her instruction. As a parent, I also appreciated the detailed feedback Ceili provided after each class and instructions for practice."
Child Playing Piano

New Jersey


"Lessons with Ceili exceeded my expectations! She has a great way with beginners, and my daughter responded well to her from the start and felt encouraged and motivated to learn and practice. Ceili's teaching matched my daughter's learning pace; she didn't push her to learn too much too fast but also didn't drag things out to the point where a child would lose interest. My daughter felt safe asking questions, making mistakes, and guessing at questions Ceili would ask. She always looked forward to her lessons!"
Piano Lesson

New Jersey


"Ceili is an amazing instructor. In my son’s first class I sat in to observe and was impressed by her patience and ability to get my son to stay focused. I felt confident leaving him each week bc I felt he was in good hands. You know exactly what happens in class because Ceili provides a detailed description of the day's lesson with instructions on how to support the student at home."
Playing Piano

New Jersey


"My daughter's comments are 'I love it!'"
Image by Keagan Henman



“Ceili is by far the best teacher I have ever had. I am the type of person where doing the same thing over and over gets boring, and she is always there for ideas if I’m blanking, and is always up for whatever idea I do have. She’s the best! My lessons with Ceili were one of the highlights of my week. Everyone deserves to have a teacher like Ceili."

Portrait of Senior Man



"Ceili is an energetic, fun, and knowledge-filled teacher who thrives on helping her students learn. She welcomes all levels and ages. I look forward to her lessons and they are the highlight of my busy week."
Online Guitar Class

New Jersey


"Ceili is a great instructor. She is positive and encouraging while still pushing young learners to strive for improvement."
Girl Playing Beginner Piano

New Jersey


"My 5-year-old daughter started piano lessons with Ceili. They really hit it off and my daughter was always excited to come to each lesson, which is a great accomplishment. Ceili provided a warm and welcoming space and was able to get my daughter excited about music and playing the piano. They were able to learn quickly and thoroughly."

New Jersey


"Wonderful and patient piano teacher for my 5-year-old. Made sure she had a great start to her piano journey!"

New Jersey


"She is a great piano instructor. She made my daughter feel comfortable and motivated. Her personality encouraged my daughter to play piano."
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